
Nazina NGO Projects

Nazina NGO Projects

Check out our beloved projects and see what we are up to in beautiful Uganda, Africa…

Here's a glimpse into what we do…

Nazina School of Creativity

“Encouraging a child means that one or more of the following critical life messages are coming through, either by word or by action: I believe in you, I trust you, I know you can handle this, You are listened to, You are cared for, You are very important to me.”

Barbara Coloroso

The Nazina School of Creativity Project is focused on creating a healthy, safe and creative learning environment for the youngest ones in the communities we are working with whilst also teaching them about the love of God to help them grow spiritually.  This is a new project which we are looking to grow, and our immediate need is for additional sponsorship for our most vulnerable students.

It only costs $35 a month to provide these children with their education including full board and if you would like to sponsor one or more of these students please visit our Donate/Sponsor page for the details of how to make this happen.

My Family Project

“Family is not an important thing, it is everything.”

Michael J Fox

Through our My Family project we look to offer support to families in need, whatever that need may be.  To date we have built houses for families who are homeless, we have provided food support to families in difficulty (particularly prescient with the privations caused by restrictions imposed due to the Covid 19 pandemic), we have helped to pay for school fees for families whose children would otherwise go without education and we have helped families who are struggling to pay for basic health care.

Every family we look to support is looked at on a case-by-case basis – there is no ‘one model fits all’ when it comes to families in trouble, and some families will receive support from Nazina NGO in more than one of the categories listed above.  Additionally, we offer emotional and spiritual support to all the families we help in order to bring about harmony and peace in families facing incredible stress and anxiety,

The My Family project is also looking to work in association with local orphanages to try and find loving homes for them to better aid their social and spiritual upbringing; we are currently looking to rescue 20 children from orphanages and provide financial and spiritual support to the families who will be taking in the children.

If you are particularly interested in helping the My Family project through sponsorship the following figures will provide assistance when deciding how much you can or would like to afford:

  • As little as $35 will provide primary education for a child

  • $40 will provide basic food hygiene and school fees for a village child;

  • 8 million Ugandan shillings (approximately $2,200) will build a mud house for a homeless family;

  • 14 million Ugandan shillings (approximately $3,800) will provide a brick-built house for a homeless family.

Please click on our ‘Donate/Sponsor’ page to see all the options open to you and to get the information you need in order to make a donation or to commit to a sponsorship option. All donations are tax deductible!

Vulnerable Women’s Project

Empowering Vulnerable Women

“The world has enough women who live a masked insecurity. The world needs more women who live a brave vulnerability”.

Ann Voskamp

Nazina NGO’s Vulnerable Women project focuses on women who have been abused, abandoned or who have suffered other traumatic life experiences.  By offering them spiritual and practical support we aim to give these vulnerable women skills (such as the making and selling of craft items) and starting micro businesses in order to allow them to become self-sustainable through providing financial support for their families while they grow in confidence and self-belief.

The following extract from the UNFPA’s ‘Population Matters’ Brief Issue 5 (special edition) from October 2017 highlights how big an issue vulnerable women and sex inequality is in Uganda currently:

“Gender inequality is one of the most significant identity-based failings, with women invariably more marginalized than men. Women are marginalized in aspects of access to and control over productive resources, education and health services, decision making platforms, and political representation. Socio-cultural norms and harmful traditional practices including gender-based violence, female genital mutilation, teenage pregnancy, child and forced marriage, among others, perpetuate gender inequality. The high social tolerance of gender-based violence, with inequality between men and women accepted as a normal undermines efforts towards gender equality and women’s empowerment. Inequalities between men and women in Uganda affect many aspects of women’s lives, starting with sex preferences in various sectors such as education and employment, which affect job opportunities, property rights, access to health and political participation. The pattern of social history that disempowers women and girls produces a cycle of undervaluing them, providing only peripheral access to healthcare and schooling, thus less opportunities to take on high level jobs or training, which in turn exacerbates the issue of low political participation and marginal social rights.”

Water Project

Water is life, creating solutions for communities

“Safe water, sanitation and hygiene at home should not be a privilege of only those who are rich or live in urban centres. These are some of the most basic requirements for human health, and all countries have a responsibility to ensure that everyone can access them.”

 – Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General, WHO

Our Water is life project focuses on providing communities and families with a sustainable supply of clean water – one of the most basic human needs and one which is so often taken for granted in the developed world.  To date we have completed the construction of a well in the village of Galihuma, near Kyenjojo, to provide clean water for all of the local community.  The total cost for this construction was approximately 13,000 USD which gives a clear indication as to why we need your donations in order to continue our work. Through Eka Foundation and other sponsors we have been able to help construct various boreholes.


In addition to providing clean water sources the Water is Life project also provides education to the local communities regarding the importance of water sanitation in the fight against reducing illnesses brought about by unsanitary water.  This includes essential training on how and why to boil water before consumption to make it safe, the importance of washing hands to reduce the spread of disease and to promote better health all round.


Each water project Nazina NGO evaluates and is looking to implement will vary in cost depending on several factors including how deep we have to sink a well or bore-hole to reach clean water and how far the clean water source is in relation to the village we are trying to help

Creative Arts Education

Creativity bridging the gap…

“A true artist is not one who is inspired, but one who inspires others.”
Salvador Dali

We believe that creativity is an essential element of each culture which helps to establish the unique identity and defining characteristics of each different culture.  Nazina NGO strongly believes that finding creative ways to connect with the whole community is a crucial tool to help to bridge the gap in regard to bringing broken families back together and into the wider community.

We have had great success in this field by using music, dance and the arts in general to help re-establish a sense of worth and achievement in some of the broken families we have worked with. By connecting each person with their true identity so they can flourish in their destiny God has for them.

Breakfast Project

“Breakfast is everything. The beginning, the first thing. It is the mouthful that is the commitment to a new day, a continuing life.”

A. A. Gill

Our Breakfast Project run by Eka Foundation is mainly focused on children living in local orphanages, many of which – and in particular during the on-going Covid 19 pandemic restrictions – are struggling financially to remain in existence.  Most of us are fully aware of how important breakfast is for the productivity and general health and physical development of children but so many children in Uganda are going without this staple meal.  

Tragically just $2 will provide a healthy and nutritious breakfast for a child living in an orphanage.  Currently we have approximately 100 children enrolled on the Nazina NGO Breakfast Project and your donation can help us to achieve our dream of extending this project to many more children.

Farm Project

Dream it, Build it, Grow it…

“Lastly, the eighth and the most meritorious of all, is to anticipate charity by preventing poverty, namely, to assist the reduced brother, either by…teaching him a trade or by putting him in the way of business so that he may earn an honest livelihood and not be forced to the dreadful alternative of holding up his hand for charity…”

― Maimonides, 12th century philosopher

Eka Foundation Farm Project is an exciting development which is designed to help us as an organization to be more self-sufficient in our efforts to feed the families we are helping through our other projects.  This project also has the huge added benefit of creating jobs for those in the communities we are reaching out to, and in particular some of the vulnerable women we have identified.  We will be planting vegetables and constructing a chicken farm to supply eggs and occasionally meat for the families most in need.  We already secured the land required to make these plans a reality and are currently planning the construction of the structures required.  We have been able to plant our first crops and reap the benefit!

We are seeking additional funding for this project in order to be able to finance the implementation of a satisfactory irrigation system and the purchase of seeds and the initial chicken stock and your donations to this project will be hugely appreciated.


Outreaches are a vital part of connecting and serving the local community. We have 3 main outreaches that focus on children and women.

Christmas 4 Kids Annual Outreach is directed towards children in the village and surrounding areas, to eat a meal, celebrate, learn about the love of God and receive a Christmas package. Some children have never received a gift for Christmas and their biggest dream is to eat rice or a piece of bread for Christmas, we cultivate the packages to give the children something special and spark hope.

Womens Conference Outreach this outreach focuses on women, to encourage, inspire and awaken them to their calling. It is to help give them practical tools to live a faith filled, passionate life with God.

Village Kids Outreach this outreach is designed for children to experience joy and to come to know the love of God, we play games, eat a healthy meal, give out prizes and have fun creative education!

To make these outreaches possible we need you! We couldn’t do what we do, and reach who reach without your support. To sow into our outreaches please press the donate button!